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Il Blog della BCE

Banca centrale ed economia in prospettiva europea

Il Blog della BCE presenta approfondimenti in tema di economia e politiche di banca centrale sulla base dei dati da noi elaborati e delle analisi e ricerche da noi condotte, per l’area dell’euro e non solo. I post sono redatti dagli esperti della BCE e dai membri del Comitato esecutivo.

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18 March 2025

Managing liquidity in a changing environment

As the normalisation of the Eurosystem balance sheet progresses, the aggregate amount of central bank liquidity available to banks in the euro area will fall over the coming years. This blog explains the role played by the Eurosystem’s refinancing operations within the operational framework for monetary policy implementation. The ECB, both as a monetary policy authority and as a supervisor, expects that banks should consider these operations as an integral part of their day-to-day liquidity management.

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