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  • Press release

National Bank of Ukraine Governor Kyrylo Shevchenko attends ad hoc meeting of ECB General Council

4 May 2022

  • Governor invited to discuss the impact of Russia’s war against Ukraine
  • ECB to offer traineeships to Ukrainian citizens

Today, the Governor of the National Bank of Ukraine, Kyrylo Shevchenko, joined an ad hoc meeting of the European Central Bank’s (ECB’s) General Council.[1]

During the meeting participants discussed the economic impact of the war on Ukraine. General Council members expressed their full support for the people of Ukraine: “Today’s meeting is a strong sign of European unity in the face of the war against Ukraine”, said ECB President Christine Lagarde.

National Central Banks of the ESCB decided to offer traineeship opportunities for Ukrainian citizens. For its part, the ECB will support young Ukrainians in acquiring professional experience in a European institution by providing 15 traineeships to cover its organisational needs.

The ECB is looking for recent graduates and young professionals to join the ECB for maximum of 12 months. Traineeships provide an opportunity to both put into practice knowledge acquired while studying and gain a better understanding of what working for Europe entails. The relevant vacancy notice will be published on the ECB’s website in the coming weeks, and the selection process will follow the ECB’s usual recruitment procedure. Successful applicants will join business areas based on their profiles and the ECB’s business needs.

An overview of the ECB’s actions in response to the war is available on our website.

For media queries, please contact Marie Therese Bitterlich, tel.: +49 172 1514350.

  1. The General Council comprises the President of the ECB, the Vice-President of the ECB, and the governors of the national central banks (NCBs) of the 27 EU Member States.


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