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Working Paper Series

2 June 1999

The European Central Bank (ECB) will today launch the publication of a Working Paper Series. The Working Paper Series seeks to disseminate the results of research conducted within the ECB to the broad academic and financial market communities. Issues that are relevant to the concerns of the Eurosystem determine the subject matter addressed in this Series.

The following is a list of the papers that comprise the initial publication:

  1. "A global hazard index for the world foreign exchange markets" by V. Brousseau and F. Scacciavillani.
  2. "What does the single monetary policy do? A SVAR benchmark for the European Central Bank" by O. Tristani and C. Monticelli.
  3. "Fiscal policy effectiveness and neutrality results in a non-Ricardian world" by C. Detken.
  4. "From the ERM to the euro: New evidence on economic and policy convergence among EU countries" by I. Angeloni and L. Dedola.
  5. "Core inflation: a review of some conceptual issues" by M. Wynne.

The publication will be available on the ECB's Web site (http://www.ecb.europa.eu) from 12.00 p.m. ECB time (C.E.T.) on Wednesday 2 June 1999. Copies of the printed version can be ordered free of charge (subject to availability) from the ECB's Press Division (Fax: +49 69 1344 7404) and will be available from 10 June onwards.


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