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Clarifications concerning the address data attributes

  • Question ID: 2018/0048
  • Date of publication: 20/08/2018
  • Subject matter: Counterparty reference data
  • AnaCredit Manual: Part II
  • Data attribute: Address: street, Address: city/town/village


Could you please clarify the reporting of the counterparty’s address-related data attributes?


The clarifications provided in Sections 12.4.8 through to 12.4.12 of Part II of the Manual are complemented with the following explanations.

As regards the counterparty’s postal code, it should be clarified that it is the postal code corresponding to the street reported in the data attribute “address: street”.

Regarding the counterparty’s county/administrative division, it is the place where the counterparty is registered (in the business register, if applicable) as reported in the data attribute “address: city/town/village” and is expressed in terms of the NUTS 3 classification. As a rule, the information on NUTS 3 regions is derived centrally by the ECB on the basis of the postal code of the counterparty, according to the information available on Eurostat’s website, and the data attribute “address: county/administrative division” may not be reported to AnaCredit, provided that the postal code is reported. However, if reporting agents opt to report the data attribute “address: county/administrative division”, it should be clarified that the NUTS 3 classification that is valid at present was effectively introduced as of 1 January 2018. Accordingly, this data attribute referring to reporting reference dates from 1 January 2018 onwards is based on the amended classification (see Q&A 2017/5).

Related questions

See also External code lists (ISO, NUTS, etc.)


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