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Statement by the European Commission, ECB and IMF on the review mission to Ireland

20 October 2011

Staff teams from the European Commission, European Central Bank (ECB) and International Monetary Fund (IMF) visited Dublin from 1 to 20 October for the regular quarterly review of the government’s economic programme. As envisaged when the mission was scheduled, policy discussions have been concluded with the exception of the specific fiscal measures to be included in the 2012 budget, which are being determined by the government and will be assessed by the three institutions in the coming weeks. Following these decisions, the European Commission and IMF missions will seek approval for the completion of this review from the European Council and the IMF Executive Board respectively.

Programme implementation continues to be strong. The authorities have completed the key initial phase of the comprehensive financial sector reforms launched in March. The fiscal deficit limit of 10.5% of GDP in 2011 is expected to be met and important structural reforms are being put in place. These strong policy efforts have underpinned the decline in Irish sovereign spreads in recent months, together with improved European Union (EU) financing terms.

In a welcome sign of Ireland’s strengthened competitiveness, economic growth in the first half of 2011 was stronger than expected at 2.3%. But the slowdown in key trading partners is likely to cool Ireland’s export growth. In addition, domestic demand is expected to contract slightly faster than was projected at the time of the previous review. Together, these factors will dampen the economic recovery with real GDP growth rate expected to be 1.1% in 2011 and about 1% in 2012.

The authorities are firmly committed to fiscal consolidation to put the country’s debt on a downward path, by bringing the general government deficit to below 3% of GDP by 2015. The forthcoming 2012 budget will make progress along that path by targeting a deficit of no more than 8.6% of GDP, striking a balance between debt reduction imperatives and limiting the drag on growth and job creation.

To underscore their commitment to sound fiscal policy, the authorities will update the medium-term fiscal consolidation plan in the coming weeks, with the supporting measures to be provided with the 2012 budget. These measures will be guided by the authorities’ Comprehensive Review of Expenditure, enabling savings to be made in a targeted manner rather than through across-the-board cuts. We welcome the establishment of the Irish Fiscal Advisory Council and the release of its first fiscal assessment report.

The key initial phase of the comprehensive financial sector reforms launched last March has been implemented. Recapitalisation of the banking sector has been completed at a lower than expected cost to the budget, benefiting from private investor participation and burden-sharing with the holders of subordinated bank debt. Deleveraging of the banking sector is progressing as planned, despite challenging conditions and banks have secured term funding reflecting improved confidence. Further progress in these areas is needed to allow banks to fulfil their essential role in the economy.

The authorities are implementing structural reforms to support job creation and growth. To help reduce unemployment, sectoral wage agreements are being prepared, together with a strengthening of activation and training policies. Legislative changes are being introduced to enhance competition in the medical, legal and pharmacy sectors with the view to lowering costs.

The objectives of Ireland’s EU and IMF-supported programme are to address financial sector weaknesses and to put Ireland’s economy on a path of sustainable growth, sound public finances and job creation, while protecting the poor and most vulnerable. The programme includes loans from the European Union and EU Member States amounting to €45.0 billion, and a €22.5 billion Extended Fund Facility with the IMF. Ireland’s contribution is €17.5 billion. The mission for the next program review is scheduled for January 2012.


European Commission:

Amadeu Altafaj Tardio

Tel: +32 498 952658

E-mail: [email protected]

International Monetary Fund:

Olga Stankova

Tel: +1 202 651 1664

E-mail: [email protected]

European Central Bank:

Wiktor Krzyżanowski

Tel: +49 69 13445755

E-mail: [email protected]


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