Commitment amount at inception in relation to deposits which are current accounts between banks
- Question ID: 2018/0034
- Date of publication: 29/06/2018
- Subject matter: Current accounts - deposits and overdrafts
- AnaCredit Manual: Part II
- Data attribute: Commitment amount at inception
How should the AnaCredit attribute “commitment amount at inception” be reported in relation to deposits which are current accounts between banks? Does it depend on any defined minimum or maximum deposit (if such limits exist) or should it be reported as “Non-applicable”?
According to the AnaCredit Regulation, the attribute “commitment amount at inception” is defined as the “observed agent’s maximum exposure to credit risk on the inception date of the instrument, without taking into account any protection held or other credit enhancements. Total commitment amount on the inception date is established during the approval process and is intended to restrict an observed agent’s amount of credit risk to a given counterparty for the relevant instrument”.
This implies that, for the purposes of AnaCredit, this amount can effectively be considered as the “commitment amount at inception” as long as there is a maximum deposit contractually defined. Otherwise the attribute is reported as “Non-applicable”.
Related questions
See also Reporting of the commitment amount at inception for instruments under limit structures
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