ECB appoints Ulrich Bindseil as Director General Market Infrastructure and Payments
11 June 2019
The Executive Board of the European Central Bank (ECB) has appointed Ulrich Bindseil as Director General of Market Infrastructure and Payments (DG-MIP). Mr Bindseil will replace Marc Bayle, who is leaving the ECB to take up a position in the private sector.
Mr Bindseil, 49, is currently Director General of the Directorate General Market Operations (DG-M), a post he has held since May 2012. He served as Deputy Director General of the same Directorate General from September 2009 and prior to that headed the ECB's Risk Management Division. Mr Bindseil started working in the field of central banking in 1994 in the Economics Department of the Deutsche Bundesbank. He joined the European Monetary Institute in 1997 to work on the preparation of the ECB’s liquidity management. Mr Bindseil studied economics at the University of Saarbrücken.
Mr Bindseil’s appointment will be effective on 1 November 2019.
For media queries, please contact Eszter Miltényi-Torstensson, tel.: +49 69 1344 8034.
- DG Market Infrastructure and Payments (DG-MIP) acts as operator, overseer and catalyst in the field of market infrastructure and payments. DG-MIP coordinates and supports the operation and development of Eurosystem market infrastructures (TARGET Services), conducts oversight of specific market infrastructures and payment instruments and acts as a catalyst to improve the overall functioning of the euro area market infrastructure from an innovation and integration perspective.
- DG Market Operations is responsible for implementing monetary policy (Eurosystem credit operations, collateral and counterparty framework, outright purchase programmes, etc.) and for the management of the ECB’s foreign reserves and investment portfolios.
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