Focus session (virtual)
TARGET2/T2S consolidation project
When, where
5 July 2022, 09:30-12:00 CET
Virtual event
Video recording
The event is available to watch again.
- 9:20
Registration and login
- 9:30
Practical information
- 9:30
Welcome address
In November 2022, the TARGET2/T2S consolidation project will go live. What is the status as of today? This Focus Session will present the events ahead until the launch in four months. Gain insight on the ongoing testing, preparations for the migration in November and the implementation of the new software release R 6.0 for the T2S platform.
- Dimitri Pattyn, Deputy Director General, ECB
- 9:50
Central liquidity management functionality
SlidesA functionality of the central liquidity management service will be a “co-management” function where banks can delegate the management of their accounts to other banks. Learn more about the benefits of this service and ask your questions.
- Jean Clement, Adviser, ECB
- Xavier Hannotin, Senior Expert, ECB
- 10:10
User Testing: Current status, migration rehearsal and digital signature
User testing is underway. What is the status and what should you focus on in the months ahead? In July, the Ancillary System testing campaign will take place. What do you need to know to prepare for this?
Before the migration and go-live in November, there will be migration rehearsals. This presentation will offer insights into the upcoming July migration weekend dress rehearsal and the plan for it.
- Robert Bashford, Principal Market Infrastructure Expert, ECB - Slides
A digital signature, the so-called non-repudiation of origin, is implemented in the new real-time gross settlement system. Learn more about the benefits of the digital signature and the framework used for its implementation.
- Valerio Minichiello, Banca d’Italia - Slides
- 11:10
SlidesWhat is the status of the ongoing activities within connectivity and registration? Where are we today? You will also learn more about the planned activities for the migration weekend.
- Bryno Mariager, Market Infrastructure Expert, ECB
- 11:30
Closing remarks
- Dimitri Pattyn, Deputy Director General, ECB
- 12:00
End of event
To register for the event, please send an email to [email protected]
Audiovisual notice: The entire Focus Session will be live streamed, recorded and published on the ECB’s website shortly after the event, together with the slides presented.