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Table 2: International investment position of the euro area

(EUR billions, unless otherwise indicated; amounts outstanding at the end of the period, flows during the period; non-working day and non-seasonally adjusted)

Q3 2016 Q4 2016 Q1 2017 Q2 2017 Q3 2017
Transactions Exchange rate changes Price changes Other volume changes Amounts outstanding Transactions Exchange rate changes Price changes Other volume changes Amounts outstanding Percentage of GDP
Net/Balance -994 -803 -556 62 -193 68 57 -561 162 -119 68 -57 -507 -5
of which: Direct investment 1,879 2,057 2,157 9 -73 -19 -69 2,004 16 -41 10 0 1,990 18
of which: Portfolio investment -2,786 -2,720 -2,612 26 -82 102 128 -2,439 148 -27 64 -58 -2,311 -21
of which: Other investment -752 -792 -766 32 -20 0 -9 -763 8 -43 0 -4 -802 -7
Assets 23,532 23,995 25,225 196 -759 -18 38 24,681 91 -344 98 -19 24,508 222
Direct investment 10,326 10,691 11,113 27 -297 -23 26 10,846 -140 -144 11 -21 10,553 95
Equity 7,333 7,647 8,052 9 -217 -7 2 7,840 -126 -105 18 -19 7,607 69
Debt instruments 2,993 3,044 3,061 18 -81 -17 24 3,006 -14 -39 -6 -1 2,945 27
Portfolio investment 7,688 7,864 8,256 171 -269 20 20 8,198 191 -127 93 -0 8,354 76
Equity 2,628 2,760 2,923 50 -123 53 19 2,922 47 -57 87 0 2,999 27
Investment fund shares 462 489 505 5 -15 6 -0 500 10 -7 6 -0 508 5
Debt securitites 4,597 4,616 4,829 116 -131 -39 2 4,776 134 -63 1 -1 4,847 44
Short-term 652 644 686 -13 -17 -8 1 649 18 -10 -6 0 651 6
Long-term 3,946 3,972 4,144 128 -114 -31 1 4,127 116 -53 7 -1 4,196 38
Financial derivatives (net assets) -61 -56 -62 -2  - 11 7 -47 -11  - -6 4 -59 -1
Other investment 4,853 4,789 5,190 1 -174 -0 -15 5,001 50 -65 0 -2 4,985 45
of which: Currency and deposits 2,649 2,649 2,824 -15 -90  - 5 2,724 -5 -31  - -2 2,685 24
Reserve assets 727 708 727 -2 -18 -25 -0 683 1 -8 -1 -0 675 6
Liabilities 24,526 24,798 25,781 133 -566 -86 -19 25,242 -71 -225 30 38 25,014 226
Direct investment 8,447 8,634 8,956 18 -224 -4 95 8,841 -156 -103 1 -21 8,563 77
Equity 5,428 5,523 5,722 11 -126 -4 47 5,650 -177 -54 1 -1 5,420 49
Debt instruments 3,018 3,110 3,234 7 -99 -0 49 3,191 21 -49 -0 -20 3,143 28
Portfolio investment 10,474 10,584 10,869 145 -187 -82 -108 10,637 43 -100 29 57 10,665 97
Equity 2,007 2,134 2,286 41 -8 -23 -39 2,257 5 -11 45 -2 2,294 21
Investment fund shares 3,227 3,342 3,516 123 -84 -37 -14 3,505 111 -40 6 13 3,595 33
Debt securities 5,240 5,109 5,066 -19 -95 -22 -55 4,875 -74 -50 -22 46 4,776 43
Short-term 462 429 478 3 -6 1 -3 473 -2 -3 2 -7 463 4
Long-term 4,778 4,679 4,589 -22 -89 -23 -52 4,402 -72 -47 -24 53 4,313 39
Other investment 5,605 5,581 5,956 -31 -155 -0 -7 5,764 42 -22 -0 2 5,786 52
of which: Currency and deposits 3,471 3,412 3,616 -41 -87  - 8 3,496 58 -33  - -7 3,514 32
Memo item: Gross external debt 13,859 13,796 14,252 -42 -349 -22 -13 13,826 -10 -121 -22 28 13,701 124
Memo item: Net external debt 1,174 1,096 924 -174 54 34 -24 814 -180 53 -16 32 702 6
Source: ECB.

Table 2: International investment position of the euro area

(EUR billions, unless otherwise indicated; amounts outstanding at the end of the period, flows during the period; non-working day and non-seasonally adjusted)

Q3 2016 Q4 2016 Q1 2017 Q2 2017 Q3 2017
Transactions Exchange rate changes Price changes Other volume changes Amounts outstanding Transactions Exchange rate changes Price changes Other volume changes Amounts outstanding Percentage of GDP
Net/Balance -994 -803 -556 62 -193 68 57 -561 162 -119 68 -57 -507 -5
of which: Direct investment 1,879 2,057 2,157 9 -73 -19 -69 2,004 16 -41 10 0 1,990 18
of which: Portfolio investment -2,786 -2,720 -2,612 26 -82 102 128 -2,439 148 -27 64 -58 -2,311 -21
of which: Other investment -752 -792 -766 32 -20 0 -9 -763 8 -43 0 -4 -802 -7
Assets 23,532 23,995 25,225 196 -759 -18 38 24,681 91 -344 98 -19 24,508 222
Direct investment 10,326 10,691 11,113 27 -297 -23 26 10,846 -140 -144 11 -21 10,553 95
Equity 7,333 7,647 8,052 9 -217 -7 2 7,840 -126 -105 18 -19 7,607 69
Debt instruments 2,993 3,044 3,061 18 -81 -17 24 3,006 -14 -39 -6 -1 2,945 27
Portfolio investment 7,688 7,864 8,256 171 -269 20 20 8,198 191 -127 93 -0 8,354 76
Equity 2,628 2,760 2,923 50 -123 53 19 2,922 47 -57 87 0 2,999 27
Investment fund shares 462 489 505 5 -15 6 -0 500 10 -7 6 -0 508 5
Debt securitites 4,597 4,616 4,829 116 -131 -39 2 4,776 134 -63 1 -1 4,847 44
Short-term 652 644 686 -13 -17 -8 1 649 18 -10 -6 0 651 6
Long-term 3,946 3,972 4,144 128 -114 -31 1 4,127 116 -53 7 -1 4,196 38
Financial derivatives (net assets) -61 -56 -62 -2  - 11 7 -47 -11  - -6 4 -59 -1
Other investment 4,853 4,789 5,190 1 -174 -0 -15 5,001 50 -65 0 -2 4,985 45
of which: Currency and deposits 2,649 2,649 2,824 -15 -90  - 5 2,724 -5 -31  - -2 2,685 24
Reserve assets 727 708 727 -2 -18 -25 -0 683 1 -8 -1 -0 675 6
Liabilities 24,526 24,798 25,781 133 -566 -86 -19 25,242 -71 -225 30 38 25,014 226
Direct investment 8,447 8,634 8,956 18 -224 -4 95 8,841 -156 -103 1 -21 8,563 77
Equity 5,428 5,523 5,722 11 -126 -4 47 5,650 -177 -54 1 -1 5,420 49
Debt instruments 3,018 3,110 3,234 7 -99 -0 49 3,191 21 -49 -0 -20 3,143 28
Portfolio investment 10,474 10,584 10,869 145 -187 -82 -108 10,637 43 -100 29 57 10,665 97
Equity 2,007 2,134 2,286 41 -8 -23 -39 2,257 5 -11 45 -2 2,294 21
Investment fund shares 3,227 3,342 3,516 123 -84 -37 -14 3,505 111 -40 6 13 3,595 33
Debt securities 5,240 5,109 5,066 -19 -95 -22 -55 4,875 -74 -50 -22 46 4,776 43
Short-term 462 429 478 3 -6 1 -3 473 -2 -3 2 -7 463 4
Long-term 4,778 4,679 4,589 -22 -89 -23 -52 4,402 -72 -47 -24 53 4,313 39
Other investment 5,605 5,581 5,956 -31 -155 -0 -7 5,764 42 -22 -0 2 5,786 52
of which: Currency and deposits 3,471 3,412 3,616 -41 -87  - 8 3,496 58 -33  - -7 3,514 32
Memo item: Gross external debt 13,859 13,796 14,252 -42 -349 -22 -13 13,826 -10 -121 -22 28 13,701 124
Memo item: Net external debt 1,174 1,096 924 -174 54 34 -24 814 -180 53 -16 32 702 6
Source: ECB.