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Compendium: Collection of legal instruments

15 October 1999

In the first year following the establishment of the European Central Bank (ECB), the decision-making bodies of the ECB adopted a series of ECB legal instruments which have been published on a case-by-case basis in the Official Journal of the European Communities. In order to facilitate access to and use of these legal texts by interested members of the public, the ECB has created a legal yearbook, entitled "Compendium", the first issue of which contains all public ECB legal instruments adopted between June 1998 and May 1999.

The "Compendium" is available in all 11 official Community languages and will be distributed by each of the EU national central banks to interested parties in their respective countries. The "Compendium" is also available from the ECB in whichever of the 11 languages is requested, and may be obtained by sending a written request either by fax (0049 69 1344 7404) or by e-mail ([email protected]) to the ECB's Press Division. As of November 1999 it can be accessed via the ECB's Web site.


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